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Kites Over Branch County 2010

Kites Over Branch County is an annual 3-day event held at the Creal Soccer Fields. Stormy weather threatened to drive the kites away, but by Saturday afternoon (July 24th), the rain had cleared out and it was time to start flying!

At the time this picture was taken (2:23pm), this was the 2-string only stunt kite in the air. I was told that the gusty winds made it difficult to control these kites. They fare better with steady winds.

However, it was a great day to fly 1-string kites!

Here's a close-up of the pretty kite.

A similar kite was flying nearby from a tether.

Some of the kite clubs' tents can be seen in this picture.

This is a close-up of the second 1-string kite.

That was about all to see that afternoon. I was told that the winds were more steady on Sunday and more stunt kites were out as well as the big kites. Check out the 2008 photo album for examples of these kites.

 Page Last Updated 2010/07/31. © 2010 - Coldwater, Michigan. All Rights Reserved.