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Tea Party Protest - April 15, 2009

On tax day 2009, millions of people came out in hundreds of cities across the U.S. to participate in "Tea Party" protests - that our federal government is increasing spending too much and that taxes will be going up too much. Many thought the protests would be a flop, but the turnout was surprising. Here in Coldwater, over 300 people showed up at the Four Corners. No political party or organization sponsored the event: it was started by a few concerned citizens getting together and pulling resources together and publicizing the event to make it happen. People from all political parties and income levels were represented.

While the main crowd gathered, others held signs by the streets to show passers by. Some semi trucks would periodically pass by and honk their loud horns in support.

For over an hour, various citizens went to the microphone to voice their concerns and rile up the crowd. Concerned citizens were urged to contact their representatives in congress to ask them to repeal the recent economic stimulus bill. Support was also given for a new "fair tax" law. One person suggested that people grow vegetables in gardens this summer and donate them to the local food bank to help people who are struggling in this economy. Another suggested that Washington needs a "bailout" - i.e., vote in replacement people in 2010.

People could sign up on an attendance sheet to register their support and to receive notification of potential future tea parties.

After the speakers were done, everyone crowded around a barrel to symbolically throw in their tea bags.

Attendees were also reminded about the National Day of Prayer on May 7th.

After the rally, people marched around the Four Corners with their signs.

There are two ways to look at this event. Some will say this was a gathering of radicals that made a little noise but then were quickly forgotten. Others will see this as the birth of a huge, historic movement, the beginning of a turnaround in our country, a special day to always remember. Only time will tell!

 Page Last Updated 2009/04/20. © 2009 - Coldwater, Michigan. All Rights Reserved.